Les feuilles sont spatulées, ovales, légèrement. Orpin bas rampant à floraison prolongée, mais davantage utilisé pour la . Nosedum spurium tricolor ou orpin couvre sol ou sédum tricolore godet de 8cm Descriptif variétal : Ce sédum vivace est un couvre-sol rustique et de . Le saviez-vous : les sédums grâce à leur capacité de résistance sont de plus en plus utilisés pour végétaliser voies urbaines et toitures ! Common Name : Caucasian stonecrop Zone : to Height : 0. This variety forms a low carpet of small green .
This evergreen is extremely easy to grow and can be . Joli couvre-sol au feuillage vert panaché de blanc et marginé de rose-rouge. FAST GROWINGand super EASY– this beautiful succulent groundcover with white and pink variegation will brighten up any dry garden. Discover the beautiful perennials and graceful grasses grown by Santa Rosa Gardens. Plants and garden accessories available for . Trailing stems are studded with rosettes of roun succulent leaves strongly variegated pink, cream and green. Leaves are pink, green and shades of yellow.
Remove any solid green growth. Un très beau sédum au feuillage persistant vert et blanc bordé de rose.
Petites fleurs rose pâle en été. Tiny white and green leaves with a pink edge on this fast-growing ground cover spread quickly, love heat and. Not uncommon, but a pretty little Sedum for green roofs, rock gardens and edging of dry planting beds. Cream edged green foliage takes on a pretty pink and . Feuillage semi persistant . Famille: -Crassulaceae Prix: pot 1: € Coloris: rose pâle.
Floraison: Juin-Juillet Hauteur: cm. A vigorous mat forming evergreen perennial with green, cream, and pink succulent foliage and pink flowers that bloom all summer. Provides year round color . This low-growing, usually evergreen sedum bears foliage variegated in shades of pink, green, and cream.
Tricolor Sedum, Tworow Stonecrop. Striking foliage complements soft pink flowers. Wonderful as ground cover, in the rock garden, along walkways or cascading over stone walls.
Kobercový druh rozchodníku, přírodní druh pochází z Kavkazu a Íránu. Perenni per lo più di taglia piccola o molto piccola, in gran parte sempreverdi o semisempreverdi. Sono adatte per roccaglie, fessure dei muri, ciotole, vasi e altri. Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry sites with poor soil.
This tricolored variety forms a low carpet of small green leaves, dappled . Fleshy foliage is variegated pink and white and topped with rosy pink flowers in summer.
Perfect for rock gardens, containers and desert plantings. Листья трехцветные, образует плотные подушки. Декоративен с весны до глубокой.
Called stonecrop because these plants originate in dry and stony areas. Can adapt to either sandy or clay sites and easily maintained. De plant valt vooral op door de blaadjes.