The JOKER – BUG 8will produce as much output as a 0Watt quartz fixture with the power draw of only Amps, never risk overloading a circuit again! Triaxe Store spécialiste du matériel audiovisuel professionnel. Punchy, even, power efficient light. Joker – Bug 80 800W Joker, 800W Joker Bug , 800W Par, 800W Lighting Kit. Contact us for a longer rental quote.
Lamp Housing: Aluminum casting, high temperature black.
Joker 8watt HMI par kit w hea feeder, ballast, (4) lenses, barndoors, case. Extremely bright HMI unit. Highly recommend using one on any and every shoot. It includes power supply, lamp, extension cable and head accessories. After the enormous popularity of the 2and the 40 the full f-Stop increment seemed logical.
Kg Dimensions: 580x295x3mm. AdoramaRentals, JOKER 8BUG KIT, MORE OUTPUT Because of the increasing use of Chimera Lightbanks for fine daylight interiors, two camera interviews, . The Multi- Bug Adaptor allows you to create a large, powerful, soft source using the inventory you already own or have at your disposal in your lighting package.
This light offers the most flexible optical . Le kit projecteur HMI Joker Bug 4w comprend : Tête Beamer Vollets Ballast Montée de lampe Globe clair Gl. The Joker Bugs are a small and lightweight fixture with very good light output versus power . It was a sunny warm day in the middle of summer. Most of the people in Nowhere, Kansas, had goneto the county fairin another . It leads to huge increase in light level and allow.
The kit comes with a frosted bulb-cover and PAR lenses . Location Joker Bug 40 light , lighting, lumiéres, éclairages – 31. Paris, FRANCE) – Buffaloc. Joker bug 4with softbox for key, bounce card for fill, small tungsten. Its bare-bulb output is optimal for use in lightbanks and lanterns, creating perfectly even distribution . Kit complet joker bug 800. W белого света c параболическим отражателем.
Our HMI lamps are from 125w up to 18. Option chimera pour 10€ HT de plus. Guide price per day £excluding VAT. Serving the Film, Video, Photo and Stage industries.
Cineka – location matériel de tournage.
Select -, 125W ARRI Pocket .