All BSI British Standards . Particular requirements for d. Les transformateurs doivent être de préférence de classe II. Titel (Deutsch): Geräte für Lampen – Teil 2-13: Besondere Anforderungen an gleich- oder. Parte 2-13: Requisitos particulares para dispositivos de control electrónicos .
Lamp controlgear – Part 2-13: D. EMC immunity requirements. Test Report issued under the responsibility of: TEST REPORT. A comprehensive user safety is therefore not given. ANNEXE : Caractéristiques certifiées essentielles.
Ovládacie zariadenia svetelných zdrojov. Osobitné požiadavky na elektronické ovládacie zariadenia LED modulov napájané .
Très faible pollution lumineuse ULOR. Başlık : Lamba kontrol düzeni – Bölüm 2-13: Led modülleri için doğru akım (d.a.). Product category : LITE. Limitations des variations de tensions.
Zvláštní požadavky na stejnosměrně nebo střídavě napájená elektronická ovládací zařízení pro LED moduly. Shenzhen BST Technology Co. These standards are for power supplies being used to control . Within the lighting industry, the increasingly. F, 2nd Building, Sunlink International Machinery City, Chencun Town,. The built-in LED driver was assessed acc.
These LED equipment include not only LED drivers, but also LED modules, LED controllers, and so on. Prescriptions générales et prescriptions de sécurité pour les. Exigences particulières pour les appareillages . Sa puissance est de W. Accessoires (à commander séparément).
Test Hi-Pot : kV, 1 pendant secondes.
Suppression des perturbations radio électriques selon la norme EN . Control gear complies with. EC-Declaration of Conformity. Luminaires – Emergency. Niederdruck- Vorschaltgeräte-Norm.